Zygote in My Coffee 4th Print Edition
This is a special DOUBLE-SIZED issue (150 pages/perfect bound)
and retails for a meager $7 (includes shipping)!
Order your copy at the Zygote Bookstore!
Roll Call for this issue includes the work of:
M.K. Chavez, James O'Shea, John Sweet, Chris Major, Glenn W.
Cooper, Jessica Thompson, Todd Moore, Doug Draime, Michael
Estabrook, Tim McGovern, Richard Krech, Paul Corman Roberts,
Corey Mesler, Brandon Gregg, Iris Berry, Carl Miller Daniels, Kevin
Sampsell, J.J. Campbell, Spencer Troxell, K.C. Wilder, Zachary C.
Bush, S.A. Griffin, R.C. Edrington, Michele McDannold, Wayne Mason,
Linda Rosenkrans, Emerson Dameron, Rob Plath, Mathias Nelson,
Ronan Barbour, F.N. Wright, F.D. Marcél, James Babbs, Shane Allison,
Bradley Mason Hamlin, Michael Cuglietta, William Taylor Jr., Dan Sicoli,
Raina Bird, Anthony Liccione, Luis Rivas, Matt Finney, K.M. Dersley,
Jack T. Marlowe, Jacob M. Mooney, Kaveh Akbar, J.D. Nelson, Willie
Smith, M. Blake, Ross T. Runfola, J. Watters, John Rocco, Ben Tanzer,
Tony O’Neill, Owen Roberts, James Quinton, Josh Stewart, Joe Balaz,
Victor Thorn, Damion Hamilton, Ross Vassilev, Daniel S. Irwin, David
Barker, Ananda Osel, David LaBounty, John Dorsey, Hollie Stevens,
Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Craig Snyder, Ralph-Michael Chiaia,
Arlene Ang, Brian Beatty, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Cheryl A. Townsend,
Judy L. Brekke, Ryan Crawford, Karl Koweski, Cynthia Ruth Lewis,
Aleathia Drehmer, and Debbie Kirk.
The Zygote gang has done it again...CHECK IT OUT!
Labels: Brian Fugett, mag, magazine, small press, zine, zygote, zygote in my coffee